Freitag, 23. September 2016

They love the cross - "Cross Day" celebrations in Alqosh

In Alqosh - like everywhere in the Middle East, the celebrations of "Cross Day" (exsaltation of the Holy Cross) start in the evening before with processions, the lighting of bonfires and a lot of fireworks.

The additional speciality of Alqosh is surely the large cross in the mountains above the village. They prepared it well, as you will see.

The feast day itself, the reliqs of the Holy Cross are venerated (as they are venerated worldwide by the faithful).

Forming the procession towards the mountain

the square in front of old Mar Micha church

I just love this - you can only find it in Alqosh, nowhere else

forming up...

the procession climbs up the mountain, praying and singing...

Alqosh: Mar Micha church, Mar Georgis church and the cemetry in the background

Abuna Ghazwan lighting the bonfire

the large cross in the mountain above Alqosh

the highlight of the evening

fireworks in the mountains and down in the village

Abuna Ghazwan presenting the relic of the Holy Cross

Procession with the relic of the Holy Cross in the churchyard of Mar Georgis

veneration of the Holy Cross

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