Montag, 12. September 2016

"Global" families - very typical for Iraqi Christians

"Global" families, very typical for Iraqi Christians

Basiem runs a small shop near the old market of Alqosh, Nineva, Iraq. While i am walking by in the hot sun, he invites me to come in and drink some water and the obligatoric tea.

We communicate with hand and feet and a mixture of my little arabic knowledge and all the english he knows. What he tells me is absolutely typical for the Iraqi Christians (and, of course, many people of the Middle East:

Basiem has five sisters: Two of them live in Australia, to in New Zealand and the fifth in Canada. His brother is in Detroit, USA. One Cousin lives in Germany, another in Sweden. His daughter lives in Canada and his son, who is a doctor, moved to Amman in Jordan.

And he telles, that he is old and sees no future in Iraq, so he also wants to leave...

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