Mittwoch, 31. August 2016

Typical ensembles of houses are a part of Tur Abdins Cultural Heritage

Typical ensembles of houses are a part of Tur Abdins Cultural Heritage

A typical ensemble of several houses in Mziza, Tur Abdin
 In the end of the 20th century there had been efforts to get the whole region or at least parts of Tur Abdin declared as a Cultural World Heritage. As there was not enough interest and resonance these efforts failed and noone took them up again.

But its a pity, as Tur Abdin is surely a region with a huge and immense cultural heritage, containing cultural heritage sites of several millennia up to the present. And all that heritage should be preserved and protected.

This post deals about one small puzzle-piece of Tur Abdins cultural heritage: a typical ensemble of houses in the village of Mzizah in the Midyat region of Tur Abdin.

Arrangements like this are quite common in several villages. Several housings are building a small complex in which structures of different age and style are together. 

Details of the buildings at the right side of the ensemble
 On the right hand there is a clear cubic building on the rooftop of an elder building. The arrangement shows its been the house of a quite wealthy man. It would be interesting to have a look into the interior, what was not possible as time was rare and the evening came.

Detail of the building at the left
On the left side there is a quite different building, which was surely the home of more simple and poor people. It looks like it was built in at least two steps.

The picture below shows a detail of that building:

The entrance

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